463/17 Hubert Graf, Technical Business GmbH

The online shop at www.hubert-graf.de meets the inspection criteria of the GoldbergUllrich eCommerce seal.

The company

Hubert Graf Technical Business GmbH
At the Stadtwalde 13
48432 Rheine

Managing directors: Jürgen Volbers and Max Volbers

Phone: 05971 - 97709-0
Fax: 05971 - 91109-29
E-mail: info@hubert-graf.de

Sales tax identification number: DE 124390735
Registered at the AG Steinfurt, HRB 3744

is therefore entitled to use the GoldbergUllrich eCommerce seal within its online shop.

The test criteria are continuously developed and monitored by our specialist lawyers.

For more information about the GoldbergUllrich eCommerce Seal and the test criteria, click HERE.