120/11 Och Ltd.

This internet shop at www.och.de meets the inspection criteria of the GoldbergUllrich eCommerce seal.

The company

Och Ltd.

Managing Director: Hans-Jürgen Ammon

Fischbach main road 156

90475 Nuremberg

Tel.: +49 911 8 33 07 - 0

Fax: +49 911 8 33 07 - 10

E-mail: info@och.de

Homepage: www.och.de

HR B 4854, AG Nuremberg

VAT ID Br. DE 133 530 830

is therefore entitled to use the GoldbergUllrich eCommerce seal within its online shop.

The test criteria are continuously developed and monitored by our specialist lawyers.

For more information about the GoldbergUllrich eCommerce Seal and the test criteria, please click HERE.