Company profiles in social networks: Imprint required

Some time ago, in our article "Facebook, Google+ and Co: Imprint Required", we pointed out that company profiles on so-called social media platforms, such as Facebook, Google+, XING and Twitter, must also have an imprint.

This has now been pointed out once again by the Düsseldorf Regional Court in a decision. The Regional Court explicitly stated that nothing else applies to social media portals than to other offers on the internet for commercial services.

The Regional Court further pointed out that the requirement of easy recognisability and direct accessibility of the imprint is, however, satisfied if the user can obtain the required imprint information with two clicks.

In the case to be decided by the Regional Court of Düsseldorf, the user was able to reach the homepage of the claimed company with one click and call up the imprint located there with another click. According to the Regional Court of Düsseldorf, a separate notice that this path must be taken in order to reach the imprint of a company is not necessary if the imprint is clearly indicated on the social network pages.

Goldberg Attorneys at Law 2012
Attorney at Law Michael Ullrich, LL.M. (Information Law)
Specialist attorney for information technology law (IT law)
