407/21 Buch Präzisionswerkzeuge GmbH

The online shop at https://buchtools.de/ meets the inspection criteria of the GoldbergUllrich eCommerce seal.

The company

Buch Precision Tools GmbH

Oranienburger Str. 37

16540 Hohen Neuendorf

Phone: +49 (0) 3303/404040

Fax: +49 (0) 3303/404620

E-mail: buchtools@buchtools.de

represented by its Managing Director Jochen Buch, ibid.

Neuruppin Local Court, HRB 7701

Sales tax identification number: DE 251535407

is therefore entitled to use the GoldbergUllrich eCommerce seal within its online shop.

The test criteria are continuously developed and monitored by our specialist lawyers.

For more information about the GoldbergUllrich eCommerce Seal and the test criteria, please click HERE.