Lecture on the GDPR in Solingen (Gründer- und Technologiezentrum)

At the invitation of the GuT (Gründer- und Technologiezentrum Solingen), a certified Startercentrum.NRW, our law firm member Alexander Goldberg introduced about 100 entrepreneurs and managing directors from the Bergisch economy to the New Data Protection Act (DSGVO and BDSG) in a two-hour lecture. In his lecture, he focused on the most important innovations in 2018 and gave strategic and practical recommendations on how to avoid liability for companies, managing directors and employees.

Afterwards, our law firm members Alexander Goldberg and Michael Ullrich answered the audience's questions and gave practical tips on how to implement the new regulation.

The link to the GuT and to the article in the Solinger Tageblatt can be found here: www.gut-sg.de; https://www.solinger-tageblatt.de/solingen/wirtschaft/eu-verordnung-verunsichert-unternehmer-9809485.html
